Sunday, March 31, 2013

Character Buildling and Illustration

Hi again!  Saturday School is flying by, as we only have 2 more classes left in this semester.  This week, we were once again amazed by our students creativity and wonderful story telling.  For this class, we introduced the idea of story telling and character building by creating images with words.   We focused on learning centers again, where we had three different projects going on in the classroom.  At the first table, students were able to pick random words out of a bucket and create a sentence and drawing an image that coincides with the words.  At the second table, students were able to use different stencils to create their own character, with the use of other objects such as sequence or pipe cleaners.  At the third table, students created a story with an accordion-style book.  They learned the sequence of a story, including the beginning, middle, and end.  They also learned about conflict, or the problem in the story to make it more interesting.   Students came up with wonderful stories and images today!  Take a look at what they created.

Don't forget!  The bug experts from the Entomology Department will be coming to our class this week!  (If you missed it, we are no longer going to the bug museum as the department decided last week that they are renovating the building, so they are coming to us instead!) 

-Allison & Jillian

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Collaborative work

Hello Parents and Students!

We hope that the students had as much fun this week as we did!  This week, we focused on learning centers.  In learning centers, the students are able to choose what they want to work on, and when they want to move to the next center.  We had three centers that the students were able to work at.

At the first center, we focused on artists Jackson Pollock and Andy Warhol.   Students were able to splatter paint as Pollock did with his work with tubes of paint, and used printing techniques (only with flyswatters!) as Warhol did with some of his work.

At the second center, students worked with toilet paper/paper towel rolls in order to create a collaborative sculpture to make a 'home' for a bug. We showed images of different recycled sculptures that other artists have used in the past.  Students were instructed to cut the rolls and add something to make it their own.  They had sequence, buttons, decorated paper, pipe cleaners and colored duct tape to experiment with.  Teachers were able to help students with the hot glue gun to glue all the students' pieces together to make one form.

At the third learning center, we inspired the students with work done by artist Pablo Picasso.  We talked about how Picasso made art that didn't always necessarily look like a real image; rather, his images were fragmented and looked distorted.  Therefore, in this center, students were able to cut up images of bugs in order to make a new monster bug.  We were really excited about the outcomes of all the students work in this center.  They are all very talented! Students also created stories about their bugs and a few presented at the end of class.

Enjoy the photos this week!