Sunday, April 7, 2013

Week 7: Visitors from the Bug Museum!

Hello Parents and Students!

This week, we had two graduate students from the Entomology Department come to our classroom. The Bug Experts brought in live and preserved bugs from the museum, which was a really great experience for both our students and the teachers.  Students were able to hold different bugs including a cockroach, different stick bugs, beetles (looked like small worms!) and a tarantula. Our students had a lot of previous knowledge about these different bugs and we were very impressed with some of the answers they were able to come up with!  Overall, we hope that our students had a great time with the our visitors today.

After our visitors left, we broke into small groups where students were able to pick which learning center they wanted to work at.  We had a collaborative drawing table, where students were able to reflect on the bug visitors and draw on a large paper that stretched out over 3 tables.  We had a sculpture table, where students were able to experience with clay and create their own bug.  Finally, we repeated a learning center where students were able to pick random words out of a bucket and create a sentence with the words they had chosen.  Following their sentence, students created an image to relate to their sentence.

We had a wonderful week with our students! We have only one more class and are looking forward to it!! See you next week!

-Ally and Jillian

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